Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What to post?

What to post? My sister Denise set up my blog for me and made it all cute and showed me how to do stuff on it and now I don't know what to post.....I am not the best writer and I am not that interesting and definitly not as whitty and funny and my sisters, brother and sister in-law. So my dilema is....what to say!? Anyway...if anyting funny or interesting happens soon I will post or if anyone has any good suggestions on how to get started that would be great!


  1. YAY!!! Finally. And I think that's a great way to start. So here's my suggestions: Updates on Pepper. What is she doing now? Milestones, etc. I also would like to hear how Tieg is doing? Um let's see... There are 3 other's that would be good to hear about too. There are my suggestions.

  2. Dawn, you have so much to post! All you have to do is write about your days....I'm sure there is plenty that goes on. As for me, I write about my goofy animals and every now and then I'll throw something in about us. Not a whole lot going on with kids out of the house!!
